Monday, June 4, 2007

Walk in the mall relfections

Well today I had a chance to take a walk in two of the most popular stores in the local mall with the teens/twenties generations. One of these stores was full of black and red clothing, lots of spiked stuff. It sold the “extreme music” and it had t-shirts with pop culture icons and sayings. Oddly enough they also were selling shirts with old timer bands like Slayer and Mega-death. The other store had much of the same but it upped the anti on the sexually focused and drug related items. Some of you already know what stores I am talking about.

Now I would love to see everyone that calls themselves a “Christian” would take time to walk through theses and other stores like these. Then again maybe I don’t? You see there were several younger people in these stores and they looked at me like I was way out of my place by being in there. Now this is where I worry about other “Christians.” How did I react to them? How did I react to the stuff in the store? That is what they were watching with real interest. I put on the head sets and took time to listen to the music, tried on a spike wrist band and even wanted to buy a couple of shirts and really cool pair of shoes I found there. None of the customers actually approached me but they soon accepted me into their environment.

Now I wonder what if I had gone in there only to get a dose of reality instead of trying to understand and being part of the culture. You see to just go in there to see the SIN that these stores are spreading or to see how far gone our culture is, would be a pointless trip. We already know that the evil one is real and he is trying to kill, steal, and destroy our world. If I had reacted with disgust (body language says a lot!) or started to rant and rave about the evil that is in that stores I would have pushed those in the stores even farther into the dark land.

Now, I did not really like the negative stuff nor can I say that I was happy about the stuff children could experience in these stores but I have to say it was an experiential walk through. The sounds, colors and environment was, exactly what it was. There was no wondering what they were selling or who they we targeting. They were not ashamed of their feelings or beliefs at all. They said what they wanted to say with out waiting for approval or fear of others reactions.

Like I said this is nothing overly new to anyone with the post modern mind set. I did think about one couple I say in the store with the sex stuff. They were looking at the relationship enhancing equipment and games. They were asking each other which game to buy and as I approached they scurried away like a cockroaches when the lights come on. I found that very interesting because here they are in a shop that sells this stuff and yet they acted like they were guilty of something. I then noticed a WWJD bracelet on the ladies wrist and neither had a wedding ring on. They in fact moved from buying a sex game to going right out the front door. Why?

Years ago the people I was around would have said God placed you there to keep them from sinning, of course they would have next said I was sinning for being there, but God used me because I was in the righteous state of mind. LOL sorry it sounds so odd to me. Anyway, why did they run out? I do not know I will never know but I then began to wonder if we are that scared when it comes to sharing what we believe because we know what we are inside. I am not against relationship enhancing equipment or games at all. So I would not have said anything to them but they, mostly she, ran way. I hope that I am strong enough to be who I am, where I am with out running away. I think the lessons for me and maybe some others are two fold.

1 – If you are doing something make sure you are doing it with self conviction and do not run away if others approach. Let your yes be yes and your no be no – believe in what you do or do not do it!

2 – If you venture into an area that is not known to you or that is opposite of who you are be like Jesus, be in it to the point that those that call the place home turf accept you but be separate enough for them to notice the difference.

Until next time!!!

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