Sunday, June 3, 2007

God hears our questions

Today on the way back from our picnic at the park when my son made me realize that not sometime questions no matter how valid they may be to the asker might not be answerable. We where driving by a popular area that is used as a beach mainly on the weekends and holidays. It is really just a long stretch of sand that leads to a long connecting bridge between St Petersburg and Tampa.

As we drove by he said “why do people like this place?” I, wanting to be the wise insightful father said “I don’t know.” (deep, huh?) He then continued “What beach has the record for the most people?” Again being the wise and well trained counselor said “Son don not ask questions that no one can answer or even know!” He quickly answered “Well how do I know if a question is a question that no one knows if I don’t ask?” I sat the driving and shrinking by the minute. Yes I have a BA in psychology and almost a MA in Mental health counseling and I had missed the most obvious simple thing. All I could do is laugh and say that he a very good point. I told him he could ask any question and I would tell him if it was a question that no one really knows. The question that he asked was from a good heart with a real honest curiosity and desire to know but that still did not make it a question that was valid.

I have to say his observation is a very good lesson for all of us as we talk to God. I started thinking how many times have I asked God a invalid question. He, unlike me, can answer any question we can think of but if we ask invalid questions why would he? I have asked things that made excellent since to me and I was very curios. I remember asking things like why did my friend die or why are things so hard right now? You see these are good questions but to God they are like my son’s they have no point. You see I cared for my sons questions but there was no point to answering him nor was any answer I gave him could he understand or comprehend.

You see I think and I said “I” think that God has the reaction. When we ask question that if he was to answer would cause more confusion, I think he chooses not to answer right away. I know that when we were in one of our darkest times in life, when things if they could go they did go wrong. I had no job, we had no money, and our car broke down. I was asking why? I got nothing in return. I felt like we were just being blown off by God. Now I know that even if he had answered I would not have understood or been able to process it.

The Foot Prints in the Sand is a classic example. Do you think that the person looking back during the single feet prints was not asking questions? See god was there for us in these tough time even though he chose not to answer he was there. The questions were like my sons it was valid but had no answer that would help him. So I feel god is with us!!!

John 20:29 Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

Next time you ask a question with no response remember maybe the question would require an answer to big for our minds. Remember and be blessed because we believe he hears us no matter what.

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