Friday, June 1, 2007

thoughts 5-31-07

Interesting thing came to mind today as we sat at the beach. There was a young teen there doing some skim boarding. For those that might not be familiar with this sport let me give you an over view. It utilizes a very thin board shaped like a short fat surf board. The rider stands on the shore looking for the right wave. As the wave gets ready to brake on the shore the rider runs and tosses the board into the incoming water. Then they attempt to jump on the skimming board and ride it as far as they can before they loss the water.
I watched this young girl stand and watch the waves. She would stand a look waiting with great anticipation if the right wave to come. She had to look past the waves coming in at the moment and look for the ones coming in. When she saw the one she wanted to ride she took off at full speed throwing her board out ahead of her and then running to catch up to it and attempting to mount it for what turned out most of time to be a very short 3 to 5 seconds ride. Many times she fell off the board and ended on her bum. She then would get up and do this all over again and again.
I could not help but watch this in amazement, so much anticipation and work for such a short ride and than only if she could stand and keep her balance. It then started to dawn on me this girl was a really good example of what we do in the church world to often. Many times we sit and wait for a “movement” of God to hit the church. Then we run and throw all our efforts and momentum in to the “wave” and we get a short ride but we often fall flat or we hit the end of it very quickly. Then we have to get back up and look for the next wave to come.
I have often thought of these things or times as Christian fads. I remember a few years back there was a thing called the prayer of Jebez. This was the way to God heart, it was a revelation that if we just quoted it and understood it, it would change our LIVES. There were cups, plaques, ties, key chains and of course the book. I remember how the churches had seminars and series on it, teaching it, saying this will change the live of Gods people. Like the skim boarder it was fast and short lived.
While I am not at all saying skim boarding is a bad sport I have to admit it seems like a lot of work for little fun. I am saying that these Christian fads need to be avoided with all cost in my mind. We need to see that God power is not short lived nor is it something the church needs to ride and put everything into only to some to an end and find ourselves standing by anticipating and waiting for another GOD wave.
I believe that there are a lot of people in this time that are looking for a steady spirituality. They are not looking for a quick power show than nothing until the next wave. The younger generations and many of the older ones are looking for connection to a God of consistency. I understand this because my heart cry’s out to see God move on a consistent base.
I think it comes down to how we approach God. Do we look at him like an ocean wave that builds up than crashes in and we have to be in the right place at the right time to experience God in a deep real way? Or do we see him as the whole ocean. The waves and movements never stop in the ocean some waves are bigger than other but they are always there. The power that God has for us to walk in and experience is consistent. He longs for us to be connected to him allowing us to be in his power and love consistently.
Let’s look carefully as we move though life and when we see God moving in this way and in that way let us be sure that we see it as a part of God’s over all power and his over all plan and not just a short lived experience.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

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