Friday, June 1, 2007

mind off balance today

We are defined as body, mind and spirit. Some days we find a balance other days we have one that just throws us off. Today I was off in the mind (LOL)
Some days you find the mind part of being a human is very tiring. Today ended up being one of those days for me. It started out by getting a call from the principal of my school telling me that one of my students from last year had been arrested for murder. I have this bad habit anymore; I do not watch TV News. I find it depressing and completely biased one way or another so I gave it up a long time ago. After this call, I surfed on the net to find the details. It was there as big as life. Tom (not real name) shot and killed a man in what the police believed was “a random act of violence.” I can not say much do to confidentiality issues and my job as a public school teacher. I will however say it put life and my job into a new perspective.
You see in Fl, first degree murder is a capital offence and could if what they are saying about Tom is true and he is convicted it could put a very young man on death row. I know that God has me working in a very high stress environment with students that make vary bad choices but with this, it makes it a lot more real, of how bad of a choice they can make. I have seen kids go to jail for drugs and other crimes but normally they were short sentences meant to correct their behavior. This one could be Toms only mistake. What would happen to him in the long run, not of this life but the in the next.
Then on top of this we had to take my 9yr old son to the Dr. to find out what is causing a hard cough that he has for a long time. The Dr. acted real concerned and ordered a STAT (means) right NOW chest and sinus X-ray. This put me into a place in my mind that is very deep and dark. Some time I will write about my childhood and sickness and God’s healing grace. Lets just say when Drs sound and say things like STAT and today it puts me into a stonewall place. I lock away all emotion and do what needs to be done. This method is how I survived dealing with many Dr. visits and attempts at treatment and even the births of my own children. We all have issues and I guess this is mine! All turned out well with my son, thank God!
But when you add this to the news of my student my mind just got over loaded. The odd thing that happens to a human is when one part of us gets over loaded the other parts of us are effected as well. Today just after I found out my sons X-ray we clear and it was not serious that is when my mind over loaded. This caused my body to react with a flood of emotion. The emotions were one of super joy for my son’s health, deep sadness for my student and sorrow for the family of his victim and doubts as I wondered if I could have done more to change his path at all. I stepped outside and just the tears flow for a few minutes.
You see the thing about knowing that we consist of three parts is that when the mind and the body get overwhelmed I can turn to third part for strength. Today I had to turn to the third part. I had to just stop and pray for strength and peace. It says in Proverbs 14:30a: “A heart at peace gives life to the body” I needed that today. As I allowed the Spirit to connect to the Master I felt and equalization begin to take hold. My emotions began to settle and my mind cleared off. I know do not know how to or if I can help my student, we still have to give my son medicine but I feel a peace that can only come from God about every thing.

There is a balance in everything and that is only found in God!!!


  1. thank you. thank you for taking time to share this with all... with me. It helped me to get back to a thing I had forgotten; even having faith in God, we can fear things or/and surely still have emotions to go through. Today, I won't feel wrong about feeling them and giving them a proper place. Not even to allow me a better time than the present moment for them. No more guilt :)
    Thanks again...

  2. your welcome Aimelle --- never feel bad about being human be glad God loves uthat way!!!
