Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Walking Kingdom

This is a quote from a book I am reading … Take some time to read it…

The statement in yellow:
Mark 1: 15-16 it says …15 The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!" 16 As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen… Jesus was asking people to repent and believe what? What was the good news? Some have suggested that the good news was that God had once again come to the world.

It had been over 400 years since God had any real interaction with the people. Now Jesus God’s ultimate high priest and in part fully Himself had come into this world. I have to say differ slightly with the first statement. I believe that the cross is still the main thing we need to help explain to those with out that starting point of the kingdom. I do agree that the very best news is that Jesus had come into the world and started the formation of God’s Kingdom here and now on earth but with out Jesus’s work on the cross the kingdom could not and can not come to man.

I love the thought that the Kingdom of God is present where ever Jesus is. I love this thought because Jesus lives in side of me and there for resides the Kingdom of God. We no longer need to look to buildings and denominations or processed programmed shows to connect with this far off kingdom some place. We are the walking pre-formation of the kingdom of God.

The under lined red statement I totally agree with of course you have to understand that I think the cross of Christ is the key to the beginning of the journey in faith. I understand that it is only one part of the over all story but in my understanding and experiential journey it takes a first place in the personal walk.

The under lined blue is a very real statement. The cross is and was the ultimate proof of Jesus and Gods love for man. It is the ultimate reconciliation method and the perfect portal for the kingdom of God to enter this world.

Over all this brings me to the point in my journey that has changed a lot. I grew up being taught that God’s kingdom is coming not here. I grew up being told that the devil controlled this world and we (Christians) are the ones out of place in it. I see how far from the truth this view is now! God made it all, He owns it all, He controls it all (if and when he chooses to). It is Satan and his kingdom that is the trespasser. THIS FOR ANOTHER WRITING---

To conclude I pray that God helps me understand that I am a walking representation of his kingdom here in this time and in this world. I pray that others that claim to follow Jesus understand that He was the introduction of the Kingdom and it was the portal of the cross and resurrection that ushered this pre-formation of the God ultimate kingdom rule to come.

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